
The Backbone

managing our society

The management division ensures the smooth sailing of our society. Managing people, projects, partnerships, events, marketing and IT.

Our team consisting of business-savy students is engaged in every aspect of contributing to the success of our society. 

Our coordinators

Board of Directors

Maria Doppler


2 Years with WUTIS

Maria is currently finishing her BSc in International Business Administration at WU. After returning from her exchange semester at the University of Texas at Austin, she did a consulting internship at zeb, one of our partner firms. Recently, she has gained further experience in Management Consulting, working in Restructuring, Performance & Transformation at Roland Berger.

Aristidis Tentis


2.5 Years with WUTIS

Aristidis is in the final stages of his BSc in Business and Economics at WU Vienna. In addition to his studies, he acquired experience in investment banking at RBI, in valuations at PwC and in M&A at i5invest. Presently, he is pursuing an internship in Private Equity at Cathay Capital in Munich.

Alexander Slivon

Vice President

2 Years with WUTIS

Alexander is currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at WU and has been a member of WUTIS since his second semester. He has prior work experience in Corporate Finance and Equity Fund Management and intends to broaden his expertise in Asset Management.

Daniel Zettl


2 Years with WUTIS

Daniel is currently in the final stages of completing his bachelor’s degree in Business and Economics at WU. His academic journey has been complemented by hands-on experience in both Asset Management and Corporate Finance fields. In the future, he is planning on leveraging his WUTIS and Internship experiences in order to pursue a career in S&T or Asset Management.

Our External Guidance

Supervisory Board

Valentin Horak


Former President

After finishing his bachelor’s degree in Business and Economics at WU, Valentin joined Lazard’s DACH team as an Analyst. Prior to graduating, he served as WUTIS President during the academic year of 2022/23, whilst gaining experience in various Corporate Finance and Private Equity internships.

Patrick Pötzi


Former President

Patrick served as WUTIS President in the academic year 2021/2022 while pursuing his master’s degree in Strategy, Innovation and Management Control at WU Vienna. Since finishing his period as President, he has completed an internship with McKinsey & Company and an MBA exchange semester at Michigan’s Ross School of Business. He is working as a Consultant at McKinsey & Company since 2023.

Oliver Gschwandtner


Former Vice-President & Treasurer

Oliver served as Treasurer of the club during the academic year 2020/2021 and as Vice-President during 2021/2022, alongside Patrick Pötzi. After completing his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at WU Vienna, he pursued various internships in Investment Banking and Private Equity before completing his master’s degree in Finance at Imperial College London. Since then he has been working as an Analyst at Evercore.

Our specialists

The Management Team Members

Michael Hacker

Head of Legal

Nina Feik

Head of Event Management

Matthias Koerner

Head of Partnerships

Leon Pucharski

Head of HR

Milos Milosevic

Head of Alumni Relations

Marina Nefedova

Head of Marketing

Filip Kindermann

Head of IT

Felix Grabenhofer

Manager of Alumni Relations

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