
From all angles of life

the Right place for you

Whether you are a business student interested in consulting, an economics PhD candidate simulating the next financial crisis or an arts student with a passion for valuing companies in your free time WUTIS provides you with a

network of highly qualified like-minded students. Our functional and management divisions are open to anyone with the drive to learn, educate and connect as well as the aspiration to push things forward and shape the future of WUTIS.

no open positions at the moment

The next recruiting window will open at the beginning of WS25/26 in September.

Be part of something great

We have never judged and will never judge anyone based on their skin colour, gender, political views, ethnic background, socio-economic status nor any other arbitrary metric. 

What we care about – is what you can bring to our society.

At WUTIS, every member is treated equally and judged solely by the quality of their work, their reliability, dedication to and loyalty towards our common goals.

We are looking for Austria’s best & brightest students.

For those, who always put in 100% in order to make the deemed-impossible, possible.

For those, seeking continuous self-development with the goal of rendering themselves a better version of their yesterday’s self.

And for them, we provide a platform which will help them fast-track their career unlike any other society.

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